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Junkers Gotta Junk

I saw the hashtag #pickersgottapick on an Instagram account I follow, and said "Amen, sister!". Whether you're a "professional" picker (and you sell old stuff for a living like we do) or a recreational junk/antique hunter, even in the winter #junkersgottajunk or they start to go crazy! Sure, the holidays occupied you for awhile, then the New Year's Konmari-inspired home organizing kicked in, but that's all done so now what?

What do you do when it's not garage sale or flea market season and you get the itch to shop for new old treasures?

It's not easy, and I can tell you that we've learned to stockpile merchandise and project pieces during peak shopping season. It starts to take over our garage, but then it's available when the slow months come and we have time to work on the projects. We keep saying we should stop buying and just work on what we already have, which would keep us stocked for shows for a couple years or more. But like most of you, we have the most fun in the thrill of the hunt so we keep shopping!

Thrift stores are one option, and it's the possibility of a big score that keeps it exciting. Once, right after Christmas, we were in line to check out at a Goodwill when an employee came by wheeling an antique pine church pew (for $25!!!). Needless to say, he didn't have to unload that cart -- we intercepted it, paid, and loaded it into the truck, all within about 5 minutes. Now I know that isn't likely to happen again, but I keep checking anyway! It's a sickness.

We have some nice antique malls within 30 minutes of us and they are a great place to take shelter from the winter cold or summer heat. A lot of it is just looking for fun, but we do usually come away with a few items for resale and sometimes for our own collections. Follow the social media accounts of your favorite malls and shops and get on their email lists to learn about sale events -- you can often score 15-20% off regular prices during storewide sales.

Craigslist and Facebook selling groups (Marketplace or your local Buy/Sell sites) can yield the occasional deal or listing for the rare winter garage or estate sale. Auctions are another option, and although they're more common in the warmer months, too, some auctioneers hold weekly or monthly (indoor!) consignment auctions. Join those folks' mailing lists when you can to stay updated.

Finally, there are the vintage markets and antique shows which are less plentiful but still pop up occasionally in the winter. You may find a bargain, something for your home, or just a bag of kettle corn, but it will help break that case of cabin fever.

I hope that helps, and that you find a way to #keeponjunkin!

Here's some of what we found at the antique mall yesterday.

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